This section provides brochures (listed alphabetically) on a variety of helpful topics for older adults, caregivers and professionals. Feel free to view the brochures online or order copies to be mailed to your home or office.
Before You Give Up the Keys Create a Roadmap for Transportation Independence
Brochure helps older adults to evaluate their mobility needs, identify the transportation options in their community and develop a plan customized to their unique circumstances.
Brain Health: You Can Make a Difference!
This brochure contains recommendations and resources to help older adults take charge of their brain health as they age. The information in the publication draws from materials developed by the Administration for Community Living, in partnership with the National Institutes of Health and the CDC.
Caring Across the Miles: Resources for Long-Distance Caregivers
This brochure provides long-distance caregivers with tools and resources that may help them better support their loved ones from afar.
Eldercare Locator Brochure
This brochure provides general information about the Eldercare Locator and community-based services.
Healthy Aging in a Pandemic World: What Older Adults and Caregivers Need to Know Now
This brochure describes some of the changes that families, friends and caregivers may notice and highlights the need to check in and check up on issues that may need attention among the older adults in their lives, poses questions readers can and should ask themselves and their loved ones at this stage of the pandemic—and provides information on how older adults, caregivers and families can connect to services that can help address these changes.
Helping Older Adults Weather the Storm Before, During and After Disasters
This publication provides tips to help older adults and their caregivers prepare for disasters.
Home Improvement Scams: Tools to Reduce Your Risk
This brochure features tips and resources to help ensure that older adults can undertake successful home improvement projects.
Hospital to Home: Plan for Smooth Transition
The guide provides planning tips for pre-hospital check-in as well as post-checkout from the hospital.
Let's Talk
This guide provides tips for starting the conversation about health, legal, financial and end-of-life issues with a loved one.
Living Well with Dementia in the Community
This brochure provides information about the many community services and supports available for both older adults with dementia and their caregivers.
Modifying Your Home for Healthy Aging:
This brochure highlights the importance of home modifications in helping older adults continue to live safely in their homes as their mobility, sensory and cognitive needs change.
Older Adults and Elder Abuse
This publication provides information on the various types of elder abuse and ways to combat this growing issue.
Older Adults and Medication Safety
It is important to know about your medicines to avoid possible problems. This brochure provides tips on taking medicines safely.
Preventing Falls at Home
This brochure describes safety checks older adults can do in and around the house to reduce their risk of falling and help enhance their independent living.
Protect Your Pocketbook: Tips to Avoid Financial Exploitation
This brochure provides information and resources on avoiding financial exploitation and offers tips on how to stay safe.
NEW Protect Your Wallet: A Guide to Avoiding Financial Scams
This brochure helps older adults stay safe and worry free by protecting themselves from financial scams and fraud.
Ready to Volunteer… Now What? A Guide for Older Adults on Giving Back
This brochure can help older adults learn about the benefits of volunteering, types of volunteer opportunities and how to find a local or virtual volunteer opportunity.
Start Your New Season of Wellness
This “Home for the Holidays” brochure and fact sheet focus on encouraging older adults to protect themselves and their families by getting vaccinated before gathering with loved ones during the winter season. They include information on vaccines for older adults such as flu, COVID-19 and RSV.
Download Brochure
Download Fact Sheet
Staying Connected and Healthy During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Resources for Older Adults and Caregivers
This brochure highlights the importance of social connection, its impact on our health—and ways the Aging Network can help older adults connect to their communities during this time of limited in-person social interactions.
Staying OK: Tips for Supporting Your Social Connections and Emotional Wellness
This brochure, developed by engAGED: The National Resource Center for Engaging Older Adults in partnership with the Eldercare Locator, provides older adults with social engagement tips and tools they can use to stay connected to their communities as well as suggestions for ways older adults can connect to mental health services and supports if needed.
Transportation Options for Older Adults and People with Disabilities
The brochure describes various types of transportation services for older adults and people with disabilities and lists key questions to ask to determine the best option to meet individual needs.
Winter Warmth and Safety: Home Energy Tips for Older Adults
The brochure offers some economical ways to stay warm and safe at home.