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Home Modification Resources

Ensuring that homes meet the mobility, sensory and cognitive needs of the older adults who live in them is critical to helping older adults continue living in the community. However, most homes were not built to support the physical changes that often accompany aging. As a result, everyday tasks such as climbing the stairs, standing up in the shower, getting in and out of the bathtub, and reaching objects in kitchen cabinets or other places in the home can become more difficult with age.

By making home modifications, older adults and their families can take steps toward making sure their homes support their changing mobility, sensory and cognitive needs.

In addition to contacting the Eldercare Locator, older adults and caregivers seeking information on home modifications may find value in the following resources.

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Eldercare Locator Publications

  • Modifying Your Home for Healthy Aging
    This brochure highlights the importance of home modifications in helping older adults continue to live safely in their homes as their mobility, sensory and cognitive needs change
  • Preventing Falls at Home
    This brochure describes safety checks older adults can do in and around the house to reduce their risk of falling and help enhance their independent living
  • Home Improvement Scams: Tools to Reduce Your Risk
    This brochure features tips and resources to help ensure that older adults can undertake successful home improvement projects