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The Eldercare Locator Database API

The Eldercare Locator is a searchable database that allows a user to search via zip code or city/state for agencies at the state and local levels that provide services to older adults. An Application Programming Interface (API) has been developed for 3rd party developers to interface their applications with the Eldercare Locator data.

As of 11/30/2017 the eldercare API connection URL is

API Account Registration

A valid user ID and password are required for programmatic access to the Eldercare Locator API. Before registering, if you have not already done so, please review the API Description and the API Requirements documents listed below to insure the API provides the expected functionality.

Sign In

Data Files

Raw Data (TXT)
This single file is a tab-delimited text file containing all the raw data from the Eldercare Core Tables.

Core Tables
This PDF document contains a graphic schema of the relationship between the Eldercare Core Tables as well as a description of the physical structure of the single Raw Data file.