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Elder Rights

Protecting the rights of older adults and preventing their exploitation, abuse and neglect is critical. Programs are in place to assist seniors in exercising their rights, help secure benefits to which they are entitled and work to protect them from abuse and exploitation.

Elder Abuse Prevention and Reporting

In general, elder abuse refers to intentional or neglectful acts that lead to, or may lead to, the harm of an older adult. The abuse may be physical, emotional, psychological, verbal, sexual, or financial. Neglect and abandonment are also types of elder abuse and, in many states, self‐neglect is also considered a form mistreatment.

Elder abuse prevention programs, including Adult Protective Services (APS) programs, are available nationwide to investigate and intervene when allegations of abuse are reported. To find APS and other programs in your community, enter your ZIP code or city and state in the search bar at the top of this page or speak with an information specialist at the Eldercare Locator at 1-800-677-1116.

National Center on Elder Abuse
This website provides resources on elder abuse prevention, including information on reporting suspected cases of elder abuse.

National Domestic Violence Hotline
The Hotline is a nonprofit organization that provides crisis intervention, information, and referrals to victims of domestic violence, friends, and families. Reach the Hotline 24 hours a day at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224.

The legal issues of older adults are often more critical than those faced by other segments of the population. Such issues may include income security, housing, utilities, protective services, abuse, neglect and age discrimination. It is important for older adults to understand their rights and seek advice when necessary.

The Older Americans Act supports legal service programs that provide and enhance important protections for older adults. To find services in your community, enter your ZIP code or city and state in the search bar at the top of this page or speak with an information specialist at the Eldercare Locator at 1-800-677-1116.

National Consumer Law Center
This website offers an extensive array of publications specifically for older consumers.

Federal Trade Commission: Identity Theft
This website is a one-stop national resource to learn about the crime of identity theft. It provides detailed information to help deter, detect, and defend against identity theft.

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
This website offers information and tools to help consumers navigate financial choices. The site also includes easy-to-understand guides to help financial caregivers managing someone else's money.

Federal Communications Commission
This website offers information to help consumers know their rights and what you can do if you have a billing problem.

Long-Term Care (LTC) Ombudsman Program

Authorized under the Older Americans Act, the LTC Ombudsman Program provides advocates for residents of long-term care facilities. The Program works to resolve problems of individual residents and bring about changes at the local, state and national levels to improve resident care and quality of life. To find an ombudsman in your community, enter your ZIP code or city and state in the search bar at the top of this page or speak with an information specialist at the Eldercare Locator at 1-800-677-1116.

National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center
This website provides additional information about the long-term care ombudsman program and residents’ rights in long-term care facilities.

Eldercare Locator Publications

Let’s Talk
This guide provides tips for starting conversations about health, legal, financial, and end-of-life issues with a loved one.

Protect Your Pocketbook: Tips to Avoid Financial Exploitation
This brochure provides information on avoiding financial exploitation and offers tips on how to stay safe.

Older Adults and Elder Abuse
Older Adults and Elder Abuse This publication provides information on the various types of elder abuse and ways to combat this growing issue.