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Home Health Services

Most older adults prefer to live in their own homes. In-home supports can provide the assistance needed to allow a senior to live independently for as long as possible. In-home services encompass a wide range of medical and non-medical services. Non-medical services may include grocery shopping, housekeeping, and assistance with daily routines, such as bathing, dressing, grooming, eating, using the toilet, and getting around. Medical services include changing bandages and dressings, assisting with medications and various forms of therapy.

Older adults who have difficulty with activities of daily living may find assistance from programs supported by the Older Americans Act (OAA). The OAA Supportive Services and Senior Centers Program funds a broad array of services including transportation assistance that enable seniors to remain in their homes for as long as possible. To learn more about this program, visit the Supportive Services and Senior Centers Program page on the Administration on Aging website.

For more information about in-home services, visit the following useful websites. To find in-home service options in your community, use the search feature below to locate agencies in your area.

National Information and Resources

National Clearinghouse for Long-Term Care Information
This web site offers information and resources to help individuals and caregivers plan for long-term care needs. Information on in-home and facility-based long-term care options is available.

Home Health Compare
This tool has detailed information about every Medicare-certified Home Health agency in the country.

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The Eldercare Locator is pleased to provide the following publications on transportation options. To view our entire list of publications visit the Resources section on this website.

Home Health Care

Housing Options for Older Adults: A Guide for Making Housing Decisions

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