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Home Repair and Modification

The majority of older adults wish to remain in their own homes as they age. Making modifications to your home can promote independence and prevent accidents. Home modifications are changes made to adapt living spaces to meet the needs of people with physical limitations. Modifications can be rather minor like adding grab bars and lever door handles, or major improvements like adding a ramps.

National Information and Resources

Below are national resources that provide information on home modifications.
The website serves as an information clearinghouse on home modification. This resource equips professionals and consumers with a comprehensive inventory of resources such as a National Directory of Home Modification and Repair Resources.

Home Safety Checklist (PDF)
Rebuilding Together, Inc. has an excellent checklist to help identify fall hazards and accessibility issues in the home.

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The Eldercare Locator is pleased to provide the following fact sheet and brochure on home modifications and falls prevention. To view our entire list of publications visit the Resources section on this website.

Home Modifications Fact Sheet

Preventing Falls at Home

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